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OpenSIPS Community Edition networking and communication


Community Editions

Free, fully functional, OpenSIPS platforms, for community usage

Shared real-life SIP solutions at a click of a button

The OpenSIPS Community Editions are the community effort to produce real-life SIP solutions (as platforms) already configured to fulfill precise SIP scenarios. OpenSIPS based solutions – acting as SoftSwitch or SBC – that are ready to use and simple to deploy.

Communication within community

Why choosing OpenSIPS Community Editions

Use cases




“…Your working SIP Service just a click of a button away….”

OpenSIPS SoftSwitch Community Editions
technology connecting lines mesh digital background design

OpenSIPS SoftSwitch

A complete SIP SoftSwitch solution to provide the standard Class 4/5 service to regular end-user customers. SIP-to-SIP calls, PSTN carrier interconnection, basic media services are just a few of the available features.

OpenSIPS AI Voice Connector

An OpenSIPS based scalable voice connector from SIP to conversational AI. Emulating a SIP UA, OpenSIPS is interfaced with customizable AI chat service via Speech-2-Text and Text-2-Speech services.

OpenSIPS Ai Voice Connector Community Editions
technology connecting lines mesh digital background design
OpenSIPS IMS CSCF Community Editions
technology connecting lines mesh digital background design


A complete, functional IMS setup. The CSCF component (P-CSCF, I-CSCF and S-CSCF) is implemented based on OpenSIPS and configured and integrated together with the rest of the IMS layers/components in order to provide fully functional IMS stack. The setup provides SIP and DIAMETER interfaces for further integration and development of IMS solutions.

About us

The OpenSIPS Community Editions are official part of the OpenSIPS project. They are maintained and supervised by the OpenSIPS project team members.

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